School Provision
Most schools are familiar with the concept and outcomes that can be achieved from Forest School and outdoor education in general but we have identified that there limitations with traditional Forest School as its original conception was aimed towards Early Years and Pre-school aged learners.
Our instructors have undertaken training, assessment and skills development to a more advanced level to be able to adequately meet the needs of older learners. A knowledge of bushcraft and wilderness living skills provides our instructors with a deep understanding of the natural environment and this links with the school subjects of geography, science and history. This has a large part to play in us helping young people to learn about these subjects through different activities, experiments and investigative learning.
We can design immersion days or year round programmes for schools that link with the National Curriculum in a hands on, enjoyable and memorable way. Some examples are listed below:
Fire: links with science, team building, communication and historical events such as the Great Fire of London, the Stone/Bronze/Iron Age and Industrialisation, etc.
Water: links with geography and science in water cycles, geological processes, human and animal needs and life cycles, plant life cycles, the seasons, etc.
Foraging: links with science, history and geography in plant and animal life cycles, industrialisation of food production, seasonal change, human evolution, bread making, etc.
Woodland studies: links with life cycles, water cycles, photosynthesis, food chains, etc.
Hunting and trapping: links with the history of human kind and the skills and techniques employed by our ancestors, the science of hunting tools (levers, forces, energy, air resistance, etc), making cordage, primitive technology
We have also had great success using these sessions to help young people with their creative writing through practising the skills and re-enacting the scenarios that have been reading about in books on the National Curriculum such as Kenzuke's Kingdom and Lord of the Flies. By experiencing these situations first hand, students can bring what they have been reading to life, and in turn they are better equipped to creatively describe experiences in their own writing.
As well as year round in school provision we specialise in experience days in subjects such as the Stone Age, Vikings, Great Fire of London, mapwork or any other subject on the National Curriculum you want your students to have a deeper understanding of. As long as your grounds have a suitable area we can use we can bring the day to you with everything needed.
With a large roster of qualifies staff we can run one off or progressive courses for any age group of any size, either at your school, or if you prefer, at our private woodland.
As school provision has such varied requirements and outcomes please get in contact for examples of previous programmes and to discuss your requirements,
Call us on 07884216397 or email to set up a meeting.